16 April, 2009

It has come to my attention

That my child may officially be potty trained. We are going on day 4 of no accidents what-so-ever.

That means my pullup days are gone!

Well, they almost are.

I have not gone all out, and done the night-time training. During the day we are set though.

Feels. so. darn. good.

I even got him a present. A live present. I'll show it off tomorrow.

12 April, 2009

Windsor Castle

A beautiful place. It's the Queens official residence. So no pictures are allowed to be taken inside. Such a shame. Its beautiful.

Queen Marys dollhouse was on display here. A 3 story, probably 5 ft. replica of Buckingham palace (?) Not entirely sure, but thats what it looks like. Each of the staterooms we're decorated to a T. Very formal and elegant.
Windsor is a pretty place too. We went on a mini version of the London Eye, and it had some awesome views of Windsor, and you could see London in the distance. Want to post more pics, but the internet is running very slow today, I will try again later, or tomorrow!

09 April, 2009

This table.....

So theres this table I have. It kind of has sentimental value. It was given to my hubby and I a long time ago. It was in used condtion then, and had already seen better days. For us it was a step up from what we had at the time, and we were greatful. But now, its been through a few moves with us, and was beaten up even more. I decided it was time to do *something* about it.

It was sanded, had cracks filled in, and the shelf nailed back down.

But what was I going to do with it now? I know it needed paint. So I came up with this:

The problem now is, i'm just not in love with it. Its to monotone, to boring. Maybe I should distress it? Add another color to the scrool work and metal?

Also the picture is not showing the true color, it is an almond color in person, just looks white in that picture.

08 April, 2009

Take Two

Potty training still going.

The little one has decided he wants to pee standing up. Unsuccesfully, well he pee's, just not into the potty.

But he's getting the idea, and has asked to use the potty severaly times today before he wet himself. Somthing must be clicking in his head afterall.

07 April, 2009

I have been MIA

So, today I thought I would come in and give a quick update.

I'm potty training. We had started the process before, but found out that the little one wasn't as ready as we thought. So we postponed.

And waited,

And waited,

And waited some more, with his third birthday around the corner, decided this was the perfect time to start up again. We have about two months before we travel again, and nothing to dramatic coming up (that we know of).

So this morning, after we woke up, had showers and breakfast, I put a pair of cotton "big boy" underwear on him, instead of a normal pull-up.

He came up to me about an hour later, "Momma I want to sit on the potty." So we go to the potty, and he had already wet himself. Cleaned him up, put on clean underwear.

That scenario repeated about 5 more times.

The sixth time he changed it up on me, guess he wanted to make sure I knew he was going to do this on his time. He added a poopy to the mix.

This time I did not put clean underwear on him, I took of the soiled pair, and left him naked. I kinda ignored him, wouldn't play with him for a while, and he disappeared for a while, I went hunting and found him sitting on the potty. I had to walk off before he knew I had seen him. A few mins later he comes to find me, and said "Momma come look." He finally did it. He pee'd in the potty for me!

I made a huge deal about it, gave him candy, clapped and tons of kisses.

So just maybe, he will go once more tonight before bed, and start to catch on tomorrow.

01 April, 2009

Its been awhile....

It's been a long while since i've been on, much less updated any.

Took a trip back home, that lasted a little more than a month long. So i'm back home, and now recovering from jet lag.Working on getting all my spring cleaning done. Took FOUR bags of clothes up to a local donation bin, and even more bags to the dumpsters, and got what i could fit into my trashcans.

Also did this today. Well, this morning moreso than today, but I finally got it done. It's not the best job ever, but its done. I also think the after picture looks alot better than the before picture, thats always a step in the right direction.

Before Pictures


27 February, 2009

Are there any beagle lovers out there?

About three years ago, after I had moved in with my now hubby I decided that we should get a puppy. It didn't really matter to me that he already had an older dog. Nor did it ever cross my mind our (well his) dog would not appreciate a younger sibling.

After visiting alot (ALOT) of pet stores, and not finding what I wanted, a friend of mine told me her dads friend's dog (can this get anymore confusing) had a liter of puppies, and he was just giving them away.

So I became the owner of a beagle puppy, (sorry pic is so crappy, these are old)

Cute little thing. In her puppy phase she was such a pain. I just assumed she would outgrow it. She did, but it took forever, and she still has her moments.

When she was two, and just six weeks after I had given birth to child Uno, I put her in her crate, to take my child to the well baby check-up. She ate a good portion of her bed. (which i didn't know at the time) The next day, she was not acting like herself at all. She was not eating, very sleepy, and snapped at me when I tried to pick her up, take her outside.

So I left her alone the rest of the day thinking she just needed rest. The next day there was no improvement. I called her vet, said I really felt she needed to be seen that day, and they let me bring her in.

She spent over 5 hours that day with the vet, and I won't tell you how much I spent on her, but they could not find anything wrong. Suggested I take her to an emergency vet for overnight care. So thats what I did, dropped her off at the recommed vet clinic and went home.

I arrived at the house, and needed to feed the baby, get him bathed and dressed for bed. I get a phone call, the vet had to do explatory surgery ($$$) and had found a blockage. Oh and by the way, while we were trying to sedate your dog, she managed to bit, and rip a piece of her ear off, so now she looks like this. Well this was the day we brought her home. The collar was so she couldn't lick her incision from the surgery.

That was a pretty darn big chunck of her ear. Now she's even bigger, and healthier. I'll chase her down with the camera to get a new updated picture of her, as now I have none.